Sunday, January 11, 2009

Police in every Gas Station

I worked as Cashier in one of those Gas Station, awful job, you lose money, you pay it from your own pocket, they removed Cashiers many stations and made the Indian/Bangali worker to be cashier, the Cashier room will be for the Policemen who will be stationed there, which kinda neat at one point where if there was something happen, there will be nearby policemen.

At first I thought it was rumor, but I saw at one of gas stations a sign in the same room writing "ministry of interior" in Arabic

p.s. picture not related ;p


Anonymous said...

wow thats a new news for me :)

Razz said...

haha, i kept on reading wanting for the relation of the picture to hit!!! hahah,, bas wallah zain every station has ministry on interior personnel.

Kuwait Surviv0r said...

Let's just hope the cops wont hit on girls :P

ZeroArk28 said...

amu, yup me2 was surprised to find it wasn't rumor!

think-become: adry 3aba6ah :p

q8 survivor: lol, good luck

Anonymous said...

While I understand the responsibility you had before, but giving responsibility to the Indian seems an easy way to blame someone hopeless.

To rely on permanent police does not seem to make sense as well to me. These are private companies now and should take care of their own money. They can do insurance on the cash money, all companies do that. This is a free way for them to protect their money.

I'm glad for the Cashier who won't have to worry, but it's obviously the petrol company acting stupid and cheap here.

ZeroArk28 said...

the ones who will pay the price will be the poor workers, ya3ny they made me pay for ALL THE NAG9 in cash...

some guys had drivers who run away w/o paying, or stole their money, and all comes from cashier's pocket, that's the insurance